Friday Feature • September 22

Steve's Friday Feature: Celebrating our caring community and the true Pioneer Spirit.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Today I’d like to tell you a little bit about Mike Armstrong, our head baseball coach.

Mike Armstrong

Mike Armstrong, Head Baseball Coach

For those of you who don’t know Mike, he would be the one with the baseball cap and crocs on! But for those of us who do know him, you would know what a great guy he is. His interaction and time spent with his team is certainly a testament to this. And what an outcome for the guys, finishing at the top of the conference last year!

As we await the next baseball season, you’ll find Mike participating in many initiatives on campus. In addition to recruiting new students, he has contributed to the campus beautification committee and works closely with our advancement team.

In the picture you see him engaged with his team as they face off against our baseball alumni in an event that he hosted last weekend.

He also works with your community youth, hosting a summer baseball clinic on campus. The “Armstrong Academy” was very popular with my 12-year old son, who is now an avid baseball fan and not a bad player, thanks to Mike.

Photo of Coach Armstrong with his athletes.

Coach Armstrong with his athletes.

Truly, thank you for all you do for Alfred State Mike!

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