Students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to be eligible for financial aid. Students who do not meet these standards may lose their financial aid or be placed on probation. Find out more about Academic Grades and Financial Aid.
Students should allow at least two weeks for the processing of financial aid documents during peak times (July - September and December - January).
The web-based financial aid process requires students to create and maintain several different PINs, usernames and passwords that are unique to each application. This information should be kept in a secure place for use as needed and not shared with anyone.
Students cannot receive federal and/or state financial aid for courses not applicable to the major they are currently in. Guidelines for Maintaining Full-Time Status for State and Federal Financial Aid Programs (pdf) which all students should review. Students who have questions regarding their class schedule and the potential impact on aid, or who are changing programs during a semester, may contact the Student Records and Financial Services Office for assistance.
Financial aid plans are conditional and subject to change based upon continuation of legislative authority and availability of appropriated funds.
Students who withdraw during a semester they received aid may have their financial aid eligibility prorated and subsequently owe a bill to the College. Financial aid eligibility is prorated differently than college charges. Aid eligibility may also be affected for the next semester.
Students must process their semester bill by the due date or scheduled classes will be dropped. Students would then need to process their bills and reschedule classes which may, or may not be available.
Students whose families are experiencing any type of change in income, family size or other types of economic hardship may appeal their financial aid plans. The appeal needs to be done in writing and may require certain types of additional documentation. Contact the Student Records and Financial Services Office for more information.
Students are responsible for checking their financial aid status on the student portal to determine if additional information is needed to process their aid or to view changes to their plan.
Financial aid, including loans and scholarships, must be actual or approved to be used as credit on the semester bill. Bills must be processed by the billing due date or scheduled classes will be dropped.