Refund / Liability Policy for Withdrawals

Refund / Liability Policy
for Withdrawals

Liability calculations are based upon the "official" withdrawal date or date the class is dropped. Students begin incurring charges when their scheduled courses begin, not the day they complete the registration process. For liability purposes, the first day that classes are offered, as scheduled by the campus, shall be considered the first day of the semester, quarter or other term, and the first week of classes for purposes of this section, shall be deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of scheduled classes, have elapsed.

All tuition and fee liabilities are calculated based on the date of separation as recorded in the Student Records and Financial Services Office. Students will be liable for charges based on the Liability Schedules below and financial aid will be based on the Return of Title IV Funds scheduled below. A student who decides not to take classes and notifies the college any time on or after the first day of classes shall be liable for charges based on the Liability Schedules below. The last date of academic attendance will be used for students who unofficially withdraw by ceasing to attend classes. The period midpoint will be used if the last date of academic attendance cannot be determined through our attendance monitoring process.

Students who wish to separate from the college must complete a leave of absence or withdrawal form, which is initiated with their academic department. A student is not officially withdrawn until the paperwork is submitted to the Student Records and Financial Services Office.

A student who is dismissed from Alfred State for academic or disciplinary reasons prior to the end of the academic term shall be liable for all costs for that term and shall not be eligible for a refund of payment made or a reduction of charges.

Part-of-Term Calendar • Fall 2024

of Term
of Term
Last Day
to Add
Last Day
to Drop
Last Day to Drop Without Fee Liability
1 Full Term Aug. 26 Dec. 13 Sep. 09  Nov. 01 Sep. 16 Sep. 02 Sep. 23
O 10 weeks Aug 26 Nov. 06 Sep. 09 Oct. 09 Sep. 09 Sep. 02 Sep. 16
E 8 weeks Aug. 26 Oct. 18 Sep. 5 Sep. 26 Sep. 05 Sep. 02 Sep. 16
D 7 weeks Aug. 26 Oct. 16 Sep. 04 Sep. 24 Sep. 04 Sep. 02 Sep. 09
G 5 weeks Aug. 26 Sep. 27 Aug. 30 Sep. 16 Aug. 30 Sep. 02 Sep. 09
2 4 weeks Aug. 26 Sep. 18 Aug. 29 Sep. 10 Aug.29 Aug. 28 Sep. 02
AC 4 weeks Aug. 26 Sep. 23 Aug. 29 Sep. 11 Aug. 29 Aug. 28 Sep. 02
U 3 weeks Aug. 26 Sep. 11 Aug. 28 Sep. 05 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Sep. 02
11 5 weeks Sep. 12 Oct. 18 Sep. 18 Oct. 02 Sep. 18 Sep. 19  Sep. 26
V 3 weeks Sep. 12 Sep. 27 Sep. 16 Sep. 23 Sep. 16 Sep. 14 Sep. 19
6 4 weeks Sep. 19 Oct. 18 Sep. 24 Oct. 4 Sep. 24  Sep. 21 Sep. 26
H 5 weeks Sep. 30 Nov. 05 Oct. 04 Oct. 22 Oct. 04 Oct. 07 Oct. 13
W 3 weeks Sep. 30 Oct. 18 Oct. 02 Oct. 11 Oct. 02 Oct. 02 Oct. 07
F 8 weeks Oct. 21 Dec. 13 Oct. 30 Nov. 20 Oct. 30 Oct. 28 Oct. 11
T 7 weeks Oct. 21 Dec. 13 Oct. 30 Nov. 20 Oct. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 04
5 5 weeks Oct. 21 Nov. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 08 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Nov. 04
8 4 weeks Oct. 21 Nov. 15 Oct. 24 Nov. 05 Oct. 24 Oct. 23 Oct. 28
X 3 weeks Oct. 21 Nov. 05 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 28
I 5 weeks Nov. 06 Dec. 13 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 20
Y 3 weeks Nov. 06 Nov. 22 Nov. 08 Nov. 15 Nov. 08 Nov. 08 Nov. 13
4 4 weeks Nov. 18 Dec. 13 Nov. 21 Dec. 05 Nov. 21 Nov. 20 Nov. 25
Z 3 weeks Nov. 25 Dec. 13 Dec. 02 Dec. 09 Dec. 02 Nov. 27 Dec. 02

Part-of-Term Calendar • Spring 2025

of Term
of Term
Last Day
to Add
Last Day
to Drop
Last Day to Drop
Without Fee
1 Full Term Jan. 21 May 09 Feb. 03 Mar. 28 Feb. 10 Jan. 28 Feb. 18
O 10 weeks Jan. 21 Apr. 11 Feb. 03 Mar. 03 Feb. 03 Jan. 28 Feb. 11
E 8 weeks Jan. 21 Mar. 19 Jan. 30 Feb. 20 Jan. 30 Jan. 28 Feb. 11
D 7 weeks Jan. 21 Mar. 07 Jan. 29 Feb. 18 Jan. 29 Jan. 28 Feb. 04
G 5 weeks Jan. 21 Feb. 21 Jan. 27 Feb. 10 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Feb. 04
8 4 weeks Jan. 21 Feb. 14 Jan. 24 Feb. 05 Jan. 24 Jan. 23 Jan. 28
U 3 weeks Jan. 21 Feb. 05 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 28
V 3 weeks Feb. 06 Feb. 21 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 10 Feb. 08 Feb. 13
4 4 weeks Feb. 17 Mar. 19 Feb. 20 Mar. 03 Feb. 20 Feb. 19 Feb. 24
C 10 weeks Feb. 24 May 09 Mar. 07 Apr. 11 Mar. 07 Mar. 03 Mar. 17
H 5 weeks Feb. 24 Apr. 04 Feb. 28 Mar. 21 Feb. 28 Mar. 03 Mar. 10
W 3 weeks Feb. 24 Mar. 19 Feb. 26 Mar. 05 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Mar. 03
T 7 weeks Mar. 17 May 09 Mar. 26 Apr. 16 Mar. 26 Mar. 24 Mar. 31
F 8 weeks Mar. 20 May 09 Mar. 31 Apr. 21 Mar. 31 Mar. 27 Apr. 10
14 4 weeks Mar. 20 Apr.16 Mar. 25 Apr. 04 Mar. 25 Mar.22 Mar. 27
3 4 weeks Mar. 20 Apr. 11 Mar. 25 Apr. 03 Mar. 25 Mar. 22 Mar. 27
X 3 weeks Mar. 20 Apr. 04 Mar. 24 Mar. 31 Mar. 24 Mar. 22 Mar. 27
I 5 weeks Apr. 07 May 09 Apr. 11 Apr. 25 Apr. 11 Apr. 14 Apr. 21
Y 3 weeks Apr. 07 Apr. 23 Apr. 09 Apr. 16 Apr. 09 Apr. 09 Apr. 14
7 4 weeks Apr. 14 May 09 Apr. 17 Apr. 29 Apr. 17 Apr. 16 Apr. 21
10 4 weeks Apr. 17 May 09 Apr. 22 May 01 Apr. 22 Apr. 19 Apr. 24
Z 3 weeks Apr. 24 May 09 Apr. 28 May 05 Apr. 28 Apr. 26 May 01

Tuition and Fees Liability Schedule

The following liability schedules are for these fees:

  • Tuition
  • Student Activity Fee
  • Athletics Fee
  • Technology Fee
  • Health Fee
  • Transportation Fee
  • Fitness Center Fee
  • Course Fees

Fall/Spring Full Semester Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 30%
3 50%
4 70%
5 + 100%

12 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 40%
3 60%
4 + 100%

10 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 50%
3 70%
4 + 100%

9 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 55%
3 75%
4 + 100%

8 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 60%
3 80%
4 + 100%

7 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 65%
3 + 100%

6 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 70%
3 + 100%

5 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Week Liability
1 0%
2 75%
3 + 100%

4 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Day Liability
1 - 2 0%
3 - 5 50%
2 Week + 100%

3 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Day Liability
1 - 2 0%
3 - 5 65%
2 Week + 100%

2 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Day Liability
1 - 2 0%
3 - 5 80%
2 Week 100%

1 Week Part-of-Term Courses

Day Liability
1 100%
Other Fees Liability
Orientation 100% liable as of the first day of class.
College 100% liable as of the first day of class. Liability is based on the number of credit hours in process at the time of the withdrawal.
Transcript Non-refundable once liable for semester tuition charge(s).
Late Registration 100% liable after the first week.
Graduation Charge removed only if the student withdraws during first four weeks of classes. No charges will be removed after the fourth week.
Vehicle Registration Charge removed only if the student withdraws during first four weeks of classes. (Vehicle hang tag must be returned). No charges will be removed after the fourth week.

Housing and Meal Liability Schedule

Fall/Spring Room Rent Fee
Liability Schedule

Week Liability
1 0%
2 - 8 50%
9 + 100%

NOTE - Students holding Residential Student Staff positions will receive credit from their start date in the position through their termination date as determined by the Office of Residential Life.

Meal Plan and
Campus Spending Account

Unused portions are refunded by the ACES Office or are credited to the student's bill.

Please call 607-587-4064 or visit their office on the first floor of CDH where your ASC Photo ID was taken for more information.

Return of Title IV Funds

If a student withdraws, is dismissed, or takes a leave of absence prior to the 60% point of the semester, Title IV funds must be returned to the source based on federal regulations unless a student meets one of the withdrawal exemptions for programs offered in modules. For the purpose of the return of Title IV funds, Title IV aid is PELL, SEOG, Federal Subsidized Direct Loans, Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loans, and Federal PLUS Loans. Students who do not complete at least 60% of the semester and are receiving Title IV aid may owe a bill after funds are returned to the source. This is also the case for students who unofficially withdraw by ceasing to attend classes.

Institutional Scholarships

Should a student receiving an Distinguished Scholars Program Scholarship or a resource that includes a housing credit, tuition credit, and/or meal plan credit withdraws, is dismissed, or takes a leave of absence, the Distinguished Scholars Program Scholarship or credit will be pro-rated according to the adjusted charges. If a student receiving any other institutional scholarship withdraws, is dismissed or takes a leave of absence up through Census Day, the student will not be entitled to the scholarship.

Late Fees and Collections

If your withdrawal, dismissal, or leave of absence results in a balance due to Alfred State, it is important that payment or payment arrangements are made as soon as you receive the initial billing notice. Any balance not paid within 30 days of the initial billing notice will be subject to a late fee per the schedule below:

Debt Administrative or Late Payment Fee
Less than $1,000 Up to $30
$1,000 to $1,999 Up to $40
$2,000 and above Up to $50

In accordance with State University of New York (SUNY) policy, the College sends past due accounts to a collection agency and/or the New York State Attorney General when the account is three months past due.