Alfred State College and Buffalo City Schools are P-Tech (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) partners for students enrolled in the McKinley High School Building Trades program. P-Tech combines high school, college, and industry together to prepare students to enter the workforce. Communicate your intentions to apply to the McKinley P-Tech Coordinator, Hillary Colombo, at phone 716-816-3389.
Student videos
School of Applied Technology Videos Related to Your Major
Application Process for P-Tech High School Seniors
To apply to complete your Alfred State degree, follow these simple steps:
- Complete part 1 of the SUNY Application; please note that it is not necessary for you to complete the SUNY Supplemental Application.
- Enter PTech on the Special Campus Project line to waive the application fee.
- Request that your counselor send an official high school transcript to the Alfred State Admissions Office.
The recommended date for submitting the application is January 1.
Once your application is received in the Admissions Office, information will be sent which allows you to access your Alfred State student portal and track the status of your application.
Questions? Contact the Admissions Office at 1-800-425-3733 and let us know you are part of the P-Tech program. We’re here to help!
Program Costs
The following expenses are paid for directly by the Buffalo City School District:
- Tuition
- Student Comprehensive, Course, Orientation, and Graduation Fees
- Standard Double Room and 14 Meal Plan (Wellsville campus students)
- Required Tools and Supplies, Books, and Laptop*
The following expenses are paid for directly by the student:
- Optional Fees such as Vehicle Registration ($95 per year) and additional Campus Spending Account (varies)
- Personal and Transportation expenses (varies)
- Pants and Boots if required (HVAC and Building Construction). The cost typically ranges between $270 - $345.
*Students can order their required Tools and Supplies, Books and Laptop at the Campus Store. Each accepted student will have a Billable Curriculum Cost account (BCC) paid for by the Buffalo City School District they can utilize to purchase these items by contacting the Campus Store directly.