Computer and Information Technology

Pioneer PROfiles - Tyler Petery

Wed, Jun 26th, 2024

“The best part of Alfred State is definitely the people. When I look back on my time in college the number one thing that I am going to remember is the friends that I made here and the experiences I shared with those friends.”

Tyler Petery

Alfred State hosts STEM Conference

Tue, Aug 15th, 2023

“This is a wonderful opportunity for educators to learn from each other so they can grow in their own classrooms. It is also amazing to have these educators on our campus and show them the labs and educational spaces we have available here.”

Jeffrey Stevens - Dean of the School of Applied Technology

Pioneer PROfiles - Soumya Konar

Mon, Jul 17th, 2023

“I really like the environment Alfred State provided. Every interaction I had with staff, students, and faculty on campus was positive. Coming from a populated city, I always wanted lesser people in class so I could interact with the teacher more. I can always go into their office hours and talk about any future goals or certifications that I wanted to do.”

Soumya Konar

Evan Enke - Open Doors

Fri, Jul 7th, 2023

“We really have truly remarkable individuals coming out of our program. I really like working with a group of people to accomplish goals. We are trying to work with a group of people to hit a goal for that day and hopefully all those goals add up to our desired outcomes by the end of the semester.”

Evan Enke

Pair of Pioneers honored by Chancellor

Tue, May 2nd, 2023

“Student success is at the core of everything we do, and I am honored to celebrate students from 63 SUNY campuses who are receiving this year’s Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence."


John B. King, Jr.

SUNY Chancellor

City of Olean awards ASC graduate a business development grant

Fri, Sep 23rd, 2022

Alfred State College graduate Brian Kelly ’17 and ’19 and his company, Kelly Design and Development, LLC has been awarded a business development grant from the City of Olean’s Boost Business Grant Program.

Hackers beware: Alfred State students are on the case

Fri, Jul 22nd, 2016

One of the reasons that Alfred State is such a terrific place for studying cyber security is the fact that students aren’t just learning the theory. They’re putting it into practice building networks, firewalls, access control lists, and more.

Affordable Schools gives good marks to two bachelor’s degrees

Wed, Feb 17th, 2016

The college’s Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in information technology: network administration was ranked 10th on the list of “15 of the Most Affordable Bachelor’s Degrees in Networking and Network Administration.” Its BTech in information technology: web development came in at No. 12 on the list of “15 of the Most Affordable Bachelor’s Degrees in Web Design and Development.”

Alfred State hosts Capture the Flag cyber security competition

Tue, Dec 15th, 2015

Students from four colleges put their cyber security skills to the test Dec. 6 at Alfred State during the ASIST Cyber Security Capture the Flag Competition.

Cyber Defense Team finishes in third at NECCDC competition

Wed, Apr 8th, 2015

“Alfred State has been competing at the NECCDC since 2010 and was the only team that did not have graduate students, so a third-place finish is a remarkable accomplishment and further proves that Alfred State offers a top-tier cybersecurity and information technology education program,” said Coach Jim Boardman, assistant professor and chair of the Computer and Information Technology Department.