Veronica Ludwick part of second place team at National Dairy Challenge

Veronica Ludwick with her certificate
Veronica Ludwick displays her second-place certificate. Ludwick teamed with three other students from different schools in the National Dairy Challenge in Visalia, CA.

At a glance

“The competition was both challenging and exciting. We were tasked with trying to figure out a farm's biggest areas of improvement and make a presentation the next day to a panel of judges, which required a lot of brainstorming, creativity, and teamwork. Working with students from other colleges was a unique experience. It was fascinating to see the different perspectives and skills each person brought to the team.”

Veronica Ludwick

Big Blue Ox graphic

Veronica Ludwick (Sugar Grove, PA) was part of a group of five Alfred State students that traveled to Visalia, CA to compete in the 2024 National Dairy Contest. Ludwig joined an aggregate team that finished second in their competition.

Ludwick teamed with a student from Cornell, the University of New Hampshire, and from the University of Wisconsin-Madison to take second in their presentation about Flint Dairy.

“The competition was both challenging and exciting,” commented Ludwick. “We were tasked with trying to figure out a farm's biggest areas of improvement and make a presentation the next day to a panel of judges, which required a lot of brainstorming, creativity, and teamwork. Working with students from other colleges was a unique experience. It was fascinating to see the different perspectives and skills each person brought to the team. We had to quickly find common ground and learn to communicate effectively. The diversity of thought and expertise really helped us to approach the challenges in innovative ways. Overall, the competition taught us about teamwork, adaptability, and the power of diverse ideas.”

A foursome of Alfred State students, Hope Avedisian (Hilton, NY), Abigail Beidel (Newville, PA), Brynn Scholl (Rexville, NY), and Justin Butler (South Wales, NY) also competed in the event which provided students a unique opportunity to engage in dairy industry management and communication, while networking with other students and exploring industry careers.

“It was an awesome experience to travel with these students to California for the National Dairy Challenge,” commented Associate Professor and Chair of the Agriculture and Veterinary Technology Department Philip Schroeder. “Our five students took part in a real-world competition with others from across the country. I am proud of their efforts and ecstatic that Veronica and her teammates were recognized for their outstanding work.”

212 students representing thirty-seven schools attended the event. Students gathered and were given data from the farms before visiting the farms the next day. The teams reviewed their data, collaborated, and worked with mentors to assess the dairy and develop recommendations.

Ludwick continued, “Being recognized as one of the best teams among so many talented colleges was a huge honor. It validated all the hard work we put into preparing for the competition. It was a great learning experience, and we took away valuable insights for next time.”

Hope Avedisian, Abigail Beidel, Justin Butler, Veronica Ludwick, and Brynn Scholl along with Professor Philip Schroeder represented Alfred State at the National Dairy Challenge.

About Dairy Challenge
NAIDC is an innovative event for students in dairy programs at North American post-secondary institutions. Its mission is to develop tomorrow’s dairy leaders and enhance the progress of the dairy industry, by providing education, communication and networking among students, dairy producers, agribusiness, and university personnel.