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Dr. Mark Whitman, an associate professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Alfred State, recently published the book "A New Understanding of Burnout: Empowering Change Through Prevention: Cracking the code of burnout of public safety but important for you!"
Dr.Mark Whitman, an associate professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Alfred State, recently published the book "A New Understanding of Burnout: Empowering Change Through Prevention: Cracking the code of burnout of public safety but important for you!"
Whitman feels the book is an important read for business/industry, educators, government, law enforcement executives, and police chief organization leaders. “The need for this book, discussing the issue of burnout, in this format is now.”
Whitman has over 30 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously was the Police Commissioner in York, PA (2003-2010), Police Commissioner in Troy, NY (1996-2003), and the Police Chief in Hornell, NY (1975-1996). He has taught at Alfred State since 2013.
Reviews of the book have been positive.
“Burnout is a real problem that affects all law enforcement officers at some point in their careers. Mark Whitman’s book explains how burnout occurs, and he gives the reader the tools to overcome it. In addition, he delves into the concepts of empathy and compassion, two areas that modern police leaders sorely need to understand to ensure their success. I highly recommend this book to all leaders who want to fully understand burnout and learn how to effectively develop strategies to deal with it within their agencies.”Ron Camacho
“As a business professional I found this fact-filled book to be extremely well written with some very sound pragmatic solutions to navigate through stressful situations and circumstances. Also woven throughout are some great leadership tips and some insightful views on how to become a better manager and an improved awareness of how I was contributing to my own subordinates' stresses. A must read!”Joe Perzia
The 187-page book was published in September and is available on Amazon. A New Understanding of Burnout: Empowering Change Through Prevention: Cracking the code of burnout for public safety but important for you! - Kindle edition by Whitman Ph.D., Mark L.. Self-Help Kindle eBooks @