Friday Feature • September 29

Steve's Friday Feature: Celebrating our caring community and the true Pioneer Spirit.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Today I’d like to tell you a little bit about Kathy Bliss and Meghan Smith, two of our veterinary professors!

Kathy Bliss with Meghan Smith

Kathy Bliss with Meghan Smith

Kathy Bliss and Meghan Smith, professors in the veterinary technology program and co-advisors of the vet tech club, were not afraid to get a little wet and soapy while having some fun and doing a good thing.

This past weekend, my wife and I were able to pop into the HOPR in the Student Leadership Center where these two outstanding faculty were working with their students to offer dog baths to community members. As can be seen from the background, there was a great turnout! We would have brought our dog Bella if she wasn’t such a spaz!

What a great service for the community, but just as importantly, what a great way to engage our students in the veterinary technology program in hands-on learning. Having gone to their graduation ceremony, I can attest to how much the students appreciate the experiences Kathy, Meghan, and the whole department have given them as they embark on a career in the service to the animals we love.

Kathy Bliss, Meghan Smith, Steve and Melissa Mauro

Kathy Bliss, Meghan Smith, Steve and Melissa Mauro

Thank you Kathy and Meghan for all you do for our students, Alfred State, and the community!

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