Alumni & Donor Stories

Greeks return to campus to reconnect

Wed, Aug 9th, 2023

“It was amazing to see the bond our alumni have to their Greek brothers and sisters. We had individuals fly in from California, Arizona, and Florida to join us for the event. These connections are so special, and I look forward to continuing to collaborate with our Greek alumni and other affinity groups.”

Mary Perkins

Director of Alumni Relations

Alumni Profile - Austin Clay - Gaming Connections

Wed, Jul 19th, 2023

“We went from playing on MacBooks to playing on nice PCs in a couple years which was impressive. It was fun for me, but it was a lot of work form all of us to get to that point. It proved to me that what Professor Neuberger said in class was true, if you put the time in, you are going to get the results you want.”

Austin Clay '20