New Member of UP Sworn in at Alfred State


At a glance

l-r: Mackney being sworn in by Alfred State President John M. AndersonCorwin Mackney of Andover, NY, joined the ranks of the University Police at Alfred State at a ceremony on Monday, May 14, 2012. Dr. John Anderson, president of Alfred State, officially swore him into service.

Big Blue Ox graphic

l-r: Mackney being sworn in by Alfred State President John M. AndersonCorwin Mackney of Andover, NY, joined the ranks of the University Police at Alfred State at a ceremony on Monday, May 14, 2012. Dr. John Anderson, president of Alfred State, officially swore him into service. An alumnus of Alfred State, Mackney previously earned his associate degree in liberal arts and sciences: math and science and was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.

Mackney attended and graduated from the Southern Tier Law Enforcement Academy where he earned an award for second place for physical fitness. In addition to his basic course for police certification, he holds New York State certifications in breath analysis (certified breath test operator), basic and advanced street encounters, Taser, and incident command system levels 100 and 200. The ceremony was attended by the other sworn members of the New York State University Police Department and Mackney’s parents.