Cappadonia Connections
Not many individuals in the history of Alfred State College have had an impact as large as Anthony C. Cappadonia. The connections built while performing music under his direction are strong and that was evident when over 60 alumni returned for the 69th Alumni Spring Concert.
Hired in 1951 to run the music program, Cappadonia never could have known the impact he would have on so many. When he was first hired, he directed not only the choral groups but led the concert and marching bands. In 1958, the tradition of inviting alums back to be part of the spring concert began.
Things all around campus changed as the years passed, but members of the alumni choir continued to return each spring to perform. Cappadonia retired in 2007, the auditorium was renovated and renamed after the beloved conductor in 2012, and after his passing, Don Lynskey, ’83, stepped in to conduct and continue the tradition.
After COVID forced the annual concert to computer screens for a few years, the group returned to campus this April for one last annual concert.

The alumni walked into the Orvis Activities Center and reconnected immediately with each other. Some might not have seen each other for years while others talk or see each other frequently. The bond between them all was easy to recognize.

Ann Peiffer, ’73, arrived at Alfred State when she was 16 and her biggest memory was concert choir. She was recruited and was able to make it. “There is a bond we all have that is very rare in a large group. We all love music and love to sing, and our common denominator was Mr. C. These people are all part of our extended family. I usually compare our gatherings to a family reunion where you really like your cousins.”

Charles (Chuck) Talleur, ’52, arrived in Alfred from Kingston, NY and was able to continue to be a singer and be part of Cappadonia’s first choir. “A young skinny guy with the nickname ‘Cappy’ came to town. The choir flourished under his leadership. We all looked forward to rehearsals and we were good. I learned a lot about my voice and choir discipline. I also experience lasting friendships.”
Tom Klemann, ’72, spent most of his free time with the choir or choir friends. He came to Alfred State because of the choir. “The Alfred choir came to my high school on a day tour to put on a concert and I was wowed by not only the sound they produced but you could tell in watching them that they were having fun. [Being in the choir] was a lot of work but we all worked together and had a good time doing it. My biggest takeaway from my experiences is the pride that we all felt (and still do) in the music we made, the many standing ovations we received, and the beautiful albums, tapes, and CD’s that we turned out together.”
John Thompson, ’83, remembers the long walks from the Engineering Building to his 3rd floor room in Robinson Chaplin Hall but his time with practicing and performing with the choir stand out. “Mr. C. took students from many curriculums and created a cohesive group of voices. He staggered and mixed all the voices so that everyone could hear all the parts singing around each other. He was a perfectionist and I remember the rewarding choir concerts, the choir parties, and the singing tours in Canada.”

In April, this group of singing alumni return to reconnect and honor such an important part of their time at Alfred State. The group rehearsed during the day on Saturday, spent the evening enjoying each other’s company at the Lake Lodge, and then returned to the Cappadonia Auditorium Sunday for a walk through before performing their concert.
The 2023 concert featured the Alumni Jazz Singers, the ’87 Collegiate Quartet, and AAA (Anthony’s a Cappella Alliance) before the whole group of over 60 alumni took the stage to perform seven pieces.
Why would so many make it a priority to return to campus? It is all about the connection that these Pioneers had with each other and with their conductor.
Peiffer, who has served as president of the alumni choir for many years, wanted to build on the early years of the tradition. “Many alumni attended the spring concerts over the earlier years so they could continue to sing with Mr. C. I was asked if I would like to be an officer. We started sending out regular newsletters and increased membership to an all-time high of greater than 400 at our peak.”

“Over the years all of us in the alumni choir have made new friends and the amazing part is when we come together, we were all taught by the same man, know the same expectations, and were part of a great choir whatever years we were in school,” commented Talleur. “As a result, we can sing together and have a great sound easily and it is thrilling to get together as a choir and once again make that great music together.”
Thompson has been part of the tradition since 1984. “The ‘magic’ of singing in the alumni choir is that we were all trained in true Cappadonia form which allows all these many years of performers to jump together and sing proficiently with each other. I look forward to performing with my extended ‘family’ and remembering the man that made all of this possible.”
The tradition of coming together every spring might be changing but the connections that Alfred State choir alumni have with each other will never change. This “family” will still get together to socialize and to sing.
As the amazing weekend came to a close the choir ended the concert by surrounding the audience and singing Norman Ramsey’s The Blessing of Aaron – a tradition started by Cappadonia.™
The Blessing of Aaron
The Lord bless the,
The Lord keep thee,
Make his face to shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee,
And give thee peace,
And give thee peace.