
Fingerprinting (ink only)
Do you need fingerprints as part of a certification process or program application? Bring the fingerprint card from the agency requiring them and a government issued photo ID to our office. Do not sign the card until you are in the presence of the department member that is taking your prints.

Accident Reports
To obtain a copy of your accident report, please have your insurance company send the request to our office at: Alfred State University Police, 10 Upper College Drive, Alfred, NY 14802.

Incident Reports
To obtain a copy of an incident report that you were involved in, complete and submit the FOIL Application form (pdf).

Lost and Found
The University Police Department is the centralized location for all lost and found items. Students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to contact UPD at 607-587-3999 to report lost items and to attempt to locate lost property as well. Anyone claiming lost and found property must show valid identification, such as an Alfred State College ID or a valid driver’s license. Any items found should be delivered or reported to the University Police Department (we are here 24/7).

Blue Light Emergency Phone System
The blue light emergency phone system is a safety measure available to anyone who feels they are in danger. There are numerous blue light phones on campus linked directly to the University Police Department. The telephones are easily recognizable on campus. In an emergency, activate the emergency contact button to talk to the University Police Department. A University Police Officer will respond to the location where the call was made from. If you feel unsafe remaining at that location, activate blue light emergency phones as you move to another location.

Welfare Checks
The University Police will, upon request, check the welfare of students to make sure that they are all right.

Pill Drop Box
If you have unused or unwanted medications that you would like to dispose of, they can be dropped off in the University Police lobby at anytime.

For information on the Alfred State Police Academy, please call 607-587-2625 or visit www.alfredstate.edu/police-academy.