Emergency Preparedness & Emergency Procedures

What does preparedness entail?

Preparedness involves:

  • Educating yourself about emergency procedures.
  • Being in the know; registering for alerts and staying connected so you're not caught uninformed.
  • Proactively preparing with ICE (In Case of Emergency) packs.
  • Having a plan for many potential emergencies.

Civil Disturbances (Protests)

  • Most protests are peaceful.
  • If the situation becomes threatening, alert UPD immediately at 607-587-3999 or 911.
  • Alert others in the area.
  • Lock your doors, windows, close blinds.
  • If necessary, send employees home. 

Structural Collapse

  • Immediately contact UPD.
  • Move away from the building to a safe location - there could be a secondary collapse.
  • Do not attempt to enter and rescue others.
  • If you know the identity or location of someone who is trapped, notify emergency personnel. 

Criminal/Violent Incident

  • Preferably, alert UPD when suspicious persons or situations arise - before they become violent.
  • Tell UPD the location, nature, description of persons.
  • Assist UPD by supplying information when they arrive. 

Health Concern - Pandemic

  • Prevent infection and the spread.
  • Cough or sneeze in a disposable tissue and discard appropriately.
  • If a tissue is unavailable, use the crook of your arm, or in your sleeve.
  • Wash hands with soap and water. Antibacterial soaps are not necessary. Regular soap, warm water, and adequate rinsing is the best.
  • When soap and water is not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is the next best thing.  Again, antibacterial hand cleansers are not recommended. 
  • Follow college or government instructions during serious health outbreak.


  • You are required by law to evacuate during a fire.
  • Pull a pull station.
  • If you've been trained in extinguisher use and can safely address the fire, do so.
  • Evacuate the building and report to your Emergency Evacuation Coordinator.
  • Close windows and doors, if time permits.
  • Use stairs only.
  • Warn others on your way out.
  • Move away from the building - upwind side or your Immediate Assembly Area. 
  • If you become trapped in a fire, do not panic.
  • Isolate yourself away from the fire.
  • If a phone is available, call UPD and let them know your location and situation.
  • If a window is available, place a brightly colored piece of clothing or the cover of the emergency book in the window to signal emergency crews.
  • Stay near the floor to avoid smoke and fumes.
  • Make noise at regular intervals to help crews find you.

Bomb Threat

  • Do not handle or touch suspicious packages.
  • Call UPD from a safe location.
  • Do not activate the power switches or fire alarm system.
  • If you receive the call with a threat, do not hang up.  Attempt to engage the caller and ask the following:
    • What exactly is the threat?
    • When will it explode?
    • Where was the bomb left?
    • Where is it right now?
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • Who placed the bomb?
    • Who is the target?
    • Why was the bomb placed?
    • What is your name and address? 
  • Was the caller familiar in any way?
  • Note male/female, young/old, slur/accent, emotional state, and BACKGROUND NOISE.
  • Write down as much data as possible.

Suspicious Packages

  • Do not touch them.
  • For suspicious unopened envelopes or packages, do not empty contents; place it in a plastic bag or other container that prevents leakage.
  • If you don't have a container, cover the package with anything (clothing, newspaper).
  • Leave the room and close the door.
  • Wash your hands to prevent spreading substance.
  • Report incident to 3999 and if possible, tell us all people who were in vicinity.
  • If there is concern you were contaminated, you may be asked to remove outer layer of clothing (to be bagged) and/or take a decontamination shower (on scene) and receive medical evaluation.
  • A suspicious package might include excessive postage, poorly typed address, oily stains, discoloration, odor, no return address, excessive or lopsided weight, protruding wires or visible aluminum foil, restrictive endorsements, or postmark that doesn't match return address.

Medical Emergency/Accident

  • Calling UPD at 607-587-3999 or 911 will trigger the EMS system.
  • Stay on the phone with UP until instructed to hang up.
  • For employee-related injuries, your supervisor must be notified and complete an Employee Accident Report.

Mental Health Emergency:

  • Any emergency involving individuals in distress who are unable to appropriately manage themselves.
  • Could include suicidal behavior, an individual threatening harm, a psychotic break resulting in loss of contact with reality.
  • An unusual or prolonged reaction to a traumatic event.
  • Call 607-587-3999 or 911 or Counseling Services at 607-587-4200.
  • Never try to handle a potentially dangerous situation - call UPD.  Clearly state that assistance is needed, where you're calling from, and the nature of the problem.

Severe Weather - Tornado

  • Tornadoes, although uncommon in New York, can happen on the trailing edge of a thunderstorm.
  • Go to a windowless, interior room or basement, the lowest possible level of the building.
  • If you can't drop a level, at least use an inner room or hallway - possibly a bathroom or closet.
  • Stay out of view of windows and get under sturdy furniture.
  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
  • Don't shelter in areas with wide-span roofs such as the gym, auditorium, or open gathering spaces.
  • If caught outside or in your car, get in a low-lying spot such as a ditch and lay flat.


  • The term shelter-in-place means to seek immediate shelter and remain there during an emergency rather than evacuate the area. This is only used when evacuation is not an option.
  • For weather-based emergencies, follow the same instructions for tornadoes above.
  • For violent emergencies, your best location is one where you can lock the door and be out of view.
  • Secure yourself, stay quiet.
  • If you can't lock the door, barricade yourself and/or conceal yourself effectively.

Utility Failure

  • For gas leaks, remember not to touch the light switches.
  • Do not take time to open windows or close doors - immediately evacuate, notifying others as you leave.
  • Call UPD at 607-587-3999 or 911.
  • For other utility issues, notify UPD.
  • UPD will notify Facilities Services.

Evacuation Procedures

  • If a decision to evacuate occurs, do not disobey the order and please cooperate with special requests (e.g., driving students who didn't bring a car to school) away from area.
  • When you leave, turn all appliances off.
  • It is a good practice to have an ICE pack to take with you in an emergency.

ICE Pack (In Case of Emergency Pack)

An ICE pack should be made up to take with you in case of a need to evacuate an area or to be restricted in another area. For example, should there be a pandemic flu or evacuation. Your ICE pack should include:

  • Bottles of water
  • First-aid supplies-band aids, antibiotic ointment, ace bandage etc.
  • Flashlight and fresh replacement batteries 
  • Matches/lighter
  • Stow able blanket
  • Medication needs-prescription and over-the-counter needs (e.g., analgesics)
  • Emergency numbers-should be programmed into cell phones
  • Make up emergency cards with medical information including any illnesses, disabilities, allergies, current medications, doctor's name and number
  • Protein bars, granola bars, fruit snacks and other non-perishable nutritious food supplies

Daylight saving time is a good time to check our smoke detector batteries.  It is also timely to check your emergency supplies!  See the American Public Health Association website for more facts and checklists.

Help Fight Terrorism

Early recognition and reporting of potential terrorist activity is the first line of defense against those who intend to harm the citizens of New York State and its assets. Learn how you can help prevent terrorism.