To be considered for accommodations and/or services, it is the responsibility of the student with the disability to identify to the Office of Accessibility Services. Identification is the responsibility of the student and not that of the parent, school, or other advocate.
To access services on the Alfred campus, students need to contact the coordinator for Student Accessibility Services who is housed in the Hunter Student Development Center. The coordinator may be contacted at 607-587-4506.
To access services on the Wellsville campus, students need to contact the Office of Accessibility Services which is housed in the Student Services Office. The telephone number is 607-587-3112.
If students identify themselves on the college application as a student with a disability, their names are forwarded to the Office of Accessibility Services. A packet of information that outlines steps to take in procuring services will then be mailed to students accepted to the college.
Before services/accommodations can be provided, students must provide documentation that clearly establishes they have a disability as well as documentation that establishes a need for accommodation for equal access. The college cannot guarantee the provision of accommodations without ample lead-time; therefore, if students know they will need special services, they must contact the Office of Accessibility Services in a timely manner.