If you don’t have an account in JobLink, go to Sign Up [to create your account] or Sign Up and Post a Job [to create account & post a job immediately]. If you do have an account please sign in or contact us to reset your password if needed.
If you choose to post a job immediately, you can begin filling in the fields for the job posting. Not all fields are required. You can keep it simple by only filling in the required fields, or choose to add greater detail. You set the parameters regarding the length of time the job is posted and how you want to receive résumés. At the end, you will receive a pop-up to choose pictures to verify you are not a robot [if you don’t get the pop up please make sure you don’t have pop ups blocked]. Confirm and then your registration and/or job has been submitted.
You will receive a message verifying your submission and be given the option to post to other schools via the Symplicity Recruit [posting to more than one school is fee based, but posting to Alfred State only is always a free service].
You can register for Career Fairs and request on-campus interviews and/or information sessions in JobLink too. It is your one platform to recruit Alfred State students & alumni from both of our campuses.