Building Green Futures
This zero energy demonstration home (produces excess energy) on the School of Applied Technology campus in Wellsville, was built by its students as a National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center, Green Certified at its Gold standard (Certificate #3667).
The home is an open laboratory for the public as well as our students. It will educate the future construction workforce in green building techniques in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources including:
Renewable Energy (Heating, Cooling)
Click the links below to see charts.
- Geothermal See an image of the monitoring screen.
- Photovoltaic (solar electric) See image of monitoring system while snow is on the solar panels.
- Solar thermal View image of monitoring screen while temperature is 35 degrees outside.
- Wind turbine View monitoring screens during Hurricane Sandy.
Whole-house Monitoring & Energy Use Assessment
The home utilizes high-end monitoring of energy production and consumption that is being used by students and faculty to operate the home efficiently. This data is also being used to showcase to the public and high school students how a zero energy home operates.