Alfred State offers a variety of programs that provide students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the fast-growing green economy. While almost any of our academic programs could lead to a rewarding career in sustainability, the programs in the list below can lead directly to careers in sustainability fields.
School of Arts and Sciences
- Agricultural Business (AAS) graduates are qualified to manage businesses across the broad spectrum of agricultural enterprises. This includes the large number of ventures which help to satisfy the growing demand for organic and sustainable farm products.
- Agricultural Technology (AAS) graduates are trained to work in farm-related jobs involving both plants and animals. Many of these jobs are associated with the growing organic and sustainable agriculture industry.
- Biological Science (AAS) graduates are qualified to fill technician-level jobs in alternative fuel production and use, water treatment, waste-water treatment, solid-waste disposal, environmental conservation in support of sustainable agriculture, and environmental health and safety departments in industry and municipalities.
- Pre-Environmental Science & Forestry (AA) graduates are qualified to transfer and enroll in bachelors' programs at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse where they can enroll a wide variety of sustainability-related majors from conservation biology to natural resources management to sustainable energy management.
School of Management and Engineering Technology
- Architectural Technology (AAS) core technical courses provide students with a basic understanding of sustainable construction materials and systems. Graduates are qualified to fill technician-level positions in a variety of disciplines throughout the construction industry.
- Architectural Technology (BS) and Architecture (BArch) graduates are qualified to fill advanced technician and intern-level positions in architectural firms and pursue Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. A required course in sustainable building design provides focus for the application and integration of green technology in the design studio.
- Electrical Engineering Technology (AAS) & Electrical Engineering Technology (BS) courses focus on many aspects of renewable energies. Students learn the concepts of electrical power system design, control, distribution, and storage. These skills are required for the implementation of emerging technologies such as photovoltaics and wind turbines.
- Engineering Science (AS) students obtain the fundamental knowledge of an engineering degree which can transfer into multiple disciplines including electrical and mechanical engineering. Students gain valuable hands-on instruction with actual components and energy systems.
- Mechanical Engineering Technology (AAS) & Mechanical Engineering Technology (BS) students gain an understanding of fundamental principles of energy, which serve as the basis for understanding, implementing, and designing sustainable systems and new technologies.
School of Applied Technology
- Air Conditioning and Heating Technology (AOS) students develop familiarity with a wide variety of fuel and energy sources, install and service the highly efficiency heating systems, geothermal systems, and solar thermal systems. Heat loss and heat gain are used to determine the most efficient heating or cooling system to install in a building. They also learn about water conservation and work with water-saving fixtures and faucets.
- Automotive Service Technician (AOS) students gain experience with alternative fuels and work on hybrid and electric vehicles. Student-modified hybrids have won multiple awards for fuel economy at the Green Grand Prix.
- Building Trades: Building Construction (AOS) students learn about home insulation and building techniques that will make the building envelope as energy efficient as possible, along with energy-efficient doors and windows to reduce heat loss and heat gain. Students in this program built our Zero Energy Home.
- Electrical Construction & Maintenance Electrician (AOS) students learn how to design, install, and maintain wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels. Multiple working wind and solar systems on campus, including on our Zero Energy Home, provide students with hands-on experience with these technologies.