Levels of Giving
Total support received from July 1, 2023 - Sept. 1, 2024
Founder's Level - $50,000 +
- Anonymous
- John and Vivien Anderson
- Appalachian Regional Commission
- ARC Arise
- Edson '71 and Ruth (Bell)* '67 Bellis
- Leon '86 and Sue Blondin
- John Coughlin '78
- Empire State Development
- Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc.
- B. Thomas Golisano '62 and Monica Seles
- William '84 and Rhonda Goodrich
- Timothy '77 and Wendy Harris
- James '93 and Dena '14 Helms
- Russell '81 and Brenda (Shaw) '81 Herman
- Erland '61 and Pauline Kailbourne
- Thomas and Dorothea Kelsey
- Kelsey-Naylor Family Foundation Inc.
- Joseph Laraiso '67
- Linder Industrial Machinery Company
- M&C Utilities, LLC
- Timothy '82 and Deborah (Wallace) '82 Moore
- National Fuel Gas Company Foundation
- NYSERDA-Offshore Wind
- Perkins Grant Funding
- Walter '78 and Joyce Sass
- Student Senate of The State University College at Alfred, NY
- SUNY High Need SIM
- SUNY Incremental Funds
- SUNY Nursing Emergency Tr.
- SUNY Transformation Fund
- Weisser Engineering & Surveying
- Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation
Legacy Level - $20,000 - $49,999
- Lawrence Allen '65
- Lee '62 and Martha Brasted
- Brawdy Construction, Inc.
- Barry Brown '64
- Nancy '81 and Paul Elliott
- Jennifer Griffin
- Charles Joyce
- Richard '80 and Joanne Laudisi
- Patrick P. Lee Foundation
- Michael Meyers '82
Charter Level - $10,000 - $19,999
- Anonymous
- Anderson Equipment Company
- Balfour Beatty Construction, Inc.
- Bethesda Foundation, Inc.
- Ray and Connie (Wittmeyer) '87 Caputo
- Comstock Memorial Fund
- Charles and Trudy Craig
- Cummins, Inc.
- Max and Marian Farash Charitable Foundation
- The Gene Haas Foundation
- Alan '79 and Mary Ellen (Ahrens) '80 Hunt
- Mary Huntington
- Norbert '55 and Shirley (Dolecki) '54 Minch
- Peckham Industries, Inc.
- Mitchell and Barbara '71 Rakus
- Carrie Redman
- SICK, Inc.
- Kenneth '88 and Holly (Miller) '90 Stewart
- SUNY-College Board
- SUNY-Online Coaching
- U of R Medicine/Strong Memorial Hospital
- Unicorn Contracting Corp.
- Mark '65 and Kathy Wamp
- C. P. Ward, Inc.
- Dennis '65 and Kathleen Weimer
- Reuben '82 and Paula Zielinski
1908 Level - $5,000 - $9,999
- Auxiliary Campus Enterprises & Services (ACES)
- AI Motion
- Bothar Construction, LLC
- Diane Brink
- Caterpillar Foundation, Inc.
- Paul and Aniko Constantine
- Rochester Davis-Fetch Corp.
- Dyson Foundation
- Mach Architecture, PC
- Steven and Melissa Mauro
- Mechanical Contracting Foundation, Inc.
- Milton CAT
- John and Cheryl Morrison
- Otis Minnesota Services, LLC
- Prestolite Electric, Inc.
- Christine Reynolds '15
- Dale Stell '75
- SUNY AmericaCorp Vista
- SUNY Veterans Internship
- SUNY-Library Resources
- Wayne '78 and Carol Wagner
- Thomas and Joan Wamp
- Thomas '66 and Ann Ward
- Francis Woythal
Bell Tower Level - $2,500 - $4,999
- Advan-Tech Manufacturing
- AIMS Self Storage and Moving Center
- Richard '76 and Diane (Deverell) '75 Amundson
- Gary '62 and Holly Anderson
- Donn Baker '66
- Briggs & Stratton Corporation
- Builders Exchange of the Southern Tier
- Dean Dorman
- Drasgow, Inc.
- Donna Edsall '78
- FedEx
- Ferguson Electric
- Halo Branded Solutions
- Gary Howland '67
- Christopher Koller
- Laborer's Union 621
- Leigh '67 and Sharon Leverenz
- Manning & Napier
- Midland Asphalt Materials, Inc.
- National Fuel Gas Distribution
- James Oberst '83
- Pathfinder Engineers & Architects LLP
- PEKO Precision Products
- Brian '85 and Jayne Perry
- Perry's Ice Cream Co., Inc.
- Amanda Herrick Smith '06 and Patrick Smith '09
- Albert '59 and Judith Styrcula
- SUNY Impact Foundation
Pioneer's Level - $1,000 - $2,499
- Anonymous
- AIA Rochester
- Allied Motion
- Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
- Associated General Contractors
- Douglas '66 and Kay Barber
- Donald Beal '72
- John '65 and Sue Benjamin
- Chad Boggs '98
- Kimberly (Palko) Brown '86
- Thomas Brown '56
- BSN Sports
- A. Bruce and Brenda (Draper) '68 Campbell
- Gerald '56 and Stephanie Carruthers*
- Kathleen Casey '85
- CC Distributing Inc
- Chris Chartier
- Craig and Judy '80 Clark
- Carrie Cokely
- Matthew Collins '07
- Cuba New York Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
- Jill Dunn
- Elderwood of Hornell
- Terry Ellis '90
- Brian and Michele Engle
- J. Gregory '63 and Marilyn Ferry
- Lenny Fritts
- Ronald '74 and Robin (Boyd) '74 Glazier
- Jeffrey and Deborah Goodrich
- Danielle and Timothy Green
- James and Linda (Craft) '96 Grillo
- Dean Huff '62
- IBEW Local #86
- JJM Alkaine Technologies
- Richard King '72
- Joseph '80 and Monica Koebel
- Mark Kroczynski '75
- Leadership Professional Services
- Bret Llewellyn '80
- Gary and Chere Lounsberry
- Wallace "Pete"* and Kathleen MacDonald
- Gordon '62* and Lynette (De Vries) '67 Mackey
- Scott '81 and Lisa McFetridge
- MOOG Incorporated
- Robert '92 and Kimberly (Sanford) '92 Morgan
- Jennifer Noble
- Russ Nunley and James Reese
- David O'Brien
- Robert Pahl '81 and Michael Myers
- John Palumbo '92
- Paul '90 and Jacqueline Pebbles
- Dale and Mary '78 Pena
- Perk's Auto Care, LLC
- Kenneth '77 and Anastasia Pink
- John '59 and Carolyn Rapalje
- Rochester Gear, Inc.
- Timothy '76 and Diane Ronald
- Sage Rutty and Company, Inc.
- Matthew and Melanie Ryan
- Gregory and Roxana (Davis) '08 Sammons
- David '77 and Susan Sayles
- Peter '59 and Carolyn Schregel
- Kevin Smith
- William '01 and Courtney (McKee) '98 Snyder
- Southern Tier Builders Association
- Sports Locker, Inc.
- James and Janice Stafford
- Stark Technologies Group
- Jeffrey '93 and Linda Stevens
- Stephen '75 and Maryellen Stofelano
- Tractor Supply Company
- U&S Services, Inc./ Stark Tech
- UA Local #13 Plumbers & Steamfitters
- George and Elizabeth Welch
- Julia O. Wells Memorial Education Fund
- Western New York Veterinary Medical Association, Inc.
- Brett and Danielle White
- Jeffrey Wilcox
- John and Kelly Williams
- Christopher Wronsky '82
Legacy Society
The Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who have remembered Alfred State through planned giving gifts.
- Richard '66 and Peg Alpin
- John and Vivien Anderson
- William Arlow
- Donald* '64 and Elizabeth Arnold
- Barbara Becker '47*
- Jack '63 and Nancy Bilson
- Leon '86 and Sue Blondin
- Lee '62 and Martha Brasted
- Gwen Burzycki
- Gerald '56 and Stephanie Carruthers*
- Kenneth Champagne '50*
- Paul and Aniko Constantine
- John Coughlin '78
- Herbert & Ellen Ehrig
- Harry* and Marcia Fox
- David Gagnon '84
- Betsy Gannon '66*
- Kenneth and Geralyn Gough
- Jeff & Deb Goodrich
- James and Linda (Craft) '96 Grillo
- Edward '58 and Shirley Hatter
- Beverly Hammersmith '67
- George* and Phyllis (Chickie) Herrick
- Mary Huntington
- Jeffery Johnston*
- James* and Marianne Koller
- Mark Kroczynski '75
- Richard '80 and Joanne Laudisi
- Richard Lawrence '81*
- Robert '56 and Joan* Livingston
- William '63 and Jane (Ferguson) '64 Lusk
- Lloyd McCall '42*
- Peter and Janet McClain
- John '57* and Sarah Jean McKay
- Richard B. Miga '73
- Gary '76 and Mary Moore
- James Morgan '77
- Terrence and Anna Morgan
- Daniel Neverett
- Thomas Phof '78
- William Rezak*
- John '83 and Patricia (Sherman) '83 Scharr
- Jon H.* and Linda Shay
- Stuart and Loretta Smith*
- Ann Wood Stopper*
- Albert '59 and Judith Styrcula
- Rodney A. Thompson '78
- Harold '58* and Florence Zimnick*
- Anonymous
President's Medallion Recipients
Alan Mosher '73 | Nov. 1, 2008 |
Senator Catharine Young | April 4, 2009 |
William Goodrich '84 | May 16, 2010 |
Charles Joyce | Oct. 22, 2011 |
Patricia Fogarty | May 12, 2012 |
Evelyn Turner | Oct. 16, 2013 |
Laverne Billings '56 | Nov. 1, 2014 |
Aniko Constantine | Oct. 9, 2015 |
Mary Huntington | Nov. 5, 2016 |
James Grillo | Nov. 4, 2017 |
Douglas Barber '66 | Oct. 5, 2019 |
The Bethesda Foundation | Oct. 21, 2022 |
Charles R. Craig | Nov. 3, 2023 |
Timothy Harris '77 | Nov. 15, 2024 |