Ways to Get Involved

Center for Civic Leadership & Community Support

Stop by Student Leadership Center Room 204, email civicengagement@alfredstate.edu, or visit one of these online platforms for updates on programming and opportunities.






  • Visit Leadership Suites organizations in the Student Leadership Center to discover and join existing student initiatives in the community.
  • Lead where you live by getting involved in your Residence Hall Council or the community-wide Campus Round Table (CRT). Contribute to programming that happens right in your building.
  • Serve on Student Senate - Make your voice heard by attending campus-wide Student Senate meetings, or serve as a representative for your Residence Hall or student organization.
  • Join the Commuter Council- Enhance the commuter student experience and advocate for commuter student rights. The Council provides feedback to the college, plans activities, and solves challenges. Membership includes students of all ages.
  • Talk to the Office of Student Engagement about starting a new student organization
  • Be a leader in the classroom, in your community, and within an established brotherhood or sisterhood by being part of a Greek organization.

Regional Volunteer Resources:

Western NY: http://www.volunteerwny.org/

Rochester Region: https://rochestercares.org/

Southern Tier: https://www.southerntiervolunteers.org/

Local & National: https://www.pointsoflight.org/get-involved/

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