Architecture and Design

New Alfred State Bachelor of Architecture Degree is a SUNY First

Thu, Sep 5th, 2013

Alfred State is proud to announce the kickoff of a new Bachelor of Architecture program by its Department of Architecture and Design this fall. One of only eight BArch programs in the State of New York, it is the only degree of its kind in the SUNY system and the only one offered by a public university.

Architectural technology students present designs

Mon, May 13th, 2013

Professor William Dean, Architecture and Design, accompanied two second-year architectural technology students to the First Presbyterian Church of Bath, NY for a public presentation of conceptual designs that included new signage and a veterans’ memorial.

Urban Design Studio students present their work in Washington, DC

Tue, Jan 8th, 2013

The six seniors presented on the work they did last semester as part of a course called Design Studio 5: Urban Design in which they worked closely with residents and community leaders in the nearby community of Bath.