Department News

Mark Bloxsom and Jennifer Ross pose after getting an award

Bloxsom and Ross receive Student Advocate Award

Tue, May 14th, 2024

Alfred State Associate Professor and Department Chair of the Business Department Mark Bloxsom and Lecturer in the Physical and Life Sciences Department Jennifer Ross were honored with the Student Advocate Award during the 40th annual Honors Convocation.

Students prepare chicken barbecue dinners

Nutrition classes raises money for Community Needs Hub

Sun, May 5th, 2024

“Alfred State has put forth a mission of enhancing learning through hands-on experiences while engaging students to be involved in a caring community. As a Nutrition course, I feel it’s our responsibility to bring awareness to food insecurity and support efforts to combat it. My students had the opportunity to participate in organizing, designing, selling, and preparing meals.”

Jennifer Ross

Dr. Angela Graves poses with Big Blue

Alfred State Assistant Professor honored for global perspective

Wed, Mar 6th, 2024

"I am incredibly excited about the work that Alfred State is doing to develop these initiatives across our broad range of degree programs, including vocational. Given the challenges facing us in higher education, framing our civic engagement efforts as an integral part of workforce readiness and democratic citizenship is essential.”

Dr. Angela Graves

Winners at the annual science and technology fair

Alfred State hosts annual science and technology fair

Tue, Mar 5th, 2024

“It was a great day to interact with these students. The competitors had great ideas and it was interesting to hear them tell the judges what they did and what they learned. All that competed should be proud of their efforts. It is always a special day to host these young scientists on our campus.”

Isaac Klingensmith

Students pose with Dr. Baltimore

Dr. Baltimore speaks with virology class

Tue, Oct 31st, 2023

"The rare opportunity for my virology students to interact with Dr. David Baltimore, a scientist whose work has provided an understanding of and subsequently shaped so many aspects of modern science, including pharmaceuticals, is one which I hope will inspire my students to know that they each can achieve anything they want to in life if they work hard and follow their true passion."

Professor Stephen Bauer

Student standing in between hurdles on the track.

Meet the Students - Sarah Rivet

Mon, Sep 4th, 2023

“The professors really care about their students. They get to know you. The same thing happens with coaches. Everyone is here to build each other up help you move forward in your life.”

Sarah Rivet

Amanda Brady stands in belltower plaza

Meet the Students - Amanda Brady

Mon, Aug 14th, 2023

“I found a club sport team in my area in high school and fell in love with the entire sport. When I came to Alfred, I met another friend interested in fencing and we started a new club together. It has grown ever since."

Amanda Brady

Dr. Steve Bauer’s Biotechniques class to visit BioSpherix in Parish, NY to learn hands-on from Dr. Alicia Henn and her team.

Biotechniques class visits BioSpherix

Tue, May 16th, 2023

“This is another example of how Alfred State connects the classroom to real world experiences. Students got the opportunity to make connections in their field while working hands-on with the latest technologies.”

Dr. Steve Bauer

Alfred State assistant nursing professor Tara Histed shows a group of attendees to the healthcare forum one of the simulation labs that students receive hands-on instruction.

Alfred State hosts forum focusing on enhancing the local healthcare workforce

Mon, Jan 23rd, 2023

“Any time we come together with people in the field and share the opportunities we have to strengthen the professional workforce is beneficial. We were able to outline the educational programs we have to offer here ...”

Professor Putnam with a student

In His DNA • Mike Putnam • Faculty Profile

Tue, Nov 15th, 2022

From running through the academic halls as a kid to walking the same halls for the last 26 years as a professor, Mike Putnam, has Alfred State College pride running through his body.