About the Area



Living in Alfred is unique. Yes, it’s away from the city yet Alfred is full of life. You’ll be energized by all the opportunities to enjoy the outdoors with nearby lakes, wetlands, farms, and state parks. We call it the “Western New York Wilds” offering adventure and recreation while also peace and quiet to focus and live with purpose.

Alfred State is located in the beautiful Southern Tier of New York State. The college is 15 miles north of the Pennsylvania border, 70 miles south of Rochester, and 90 miles southeast of Buffalo. Letchworth State Park and the are less than an hour's drive.

Letchworth Park

Alfred, NY Information

  • Campus Map
    Explore our campuses with an interactive map.
  • Driving Directions
    Enter your address to get Google map directions to our campus. Local driving directions also provided.
  • Hornell
    Located 17 minutes from Alfred.
  • Village of Alfred
    Area businesses and information.
  • Wellsville
    Located 20 minutes from Alfred.
Riley Mucher, Nursing

The thing I enjoy most about Alfred State is how at home I feel. The community is safe, small, and close-knit. I like recognizing people around me and bumping into friends on the way to class.Riley Mucher, Nursing
Soccer Team
Hometown: Warsaw, NY

NY Map with Alfred State
Arial view of Alfred, NY with clouds