ASC Employees Honored For 10 Years of Service


At a glance

Meade, Gross, Khan, and Gallicchio; standing, l-r: Dr. John M. Anderson, Conklin, York, Amidon, Welker, D’Arcy, and Petrick.Employees honored for 10 years included Casey Gross, Mark D’Arcy, Debra Mayes, Patricia Amidon, Priscilla Cusson, Sue Conklin, Jo Ellen York, Karen Meade, Rachel Russo, Deborah Kozlowski, Erin Vitale, Dominic Gallicchio, Paul Welke

Big Blue Ox graphic

Mayes, Bliss, Kruser, Kozlowski; standing, back row, l-r: Root, Vitale, Phillips, Woodworth, and WaldeisMembers of the faculty and staff at Alfred State College were honored recently for their years of service at the college. Those employees honored for 10 years included Casey Gross, associate dean for judicial affairs; Physical and Health Sciences; and Randall Woodworth, cleaner, Facilities Services. Honorees received a certificate and a college umbrella.

Meade, Gross, Khan, and Gallicchio; standing, l-r: Dr. John M. Anderson, Conklin, York, Amidon, Welker, D’Arcy, and Petrick.